Stress can affect many parts of your body, including your eyes. When you feel stressed, your body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
If your eyes feel dry, you can try some simple home remedies to help. Eye floaters: Stress doesn’t cause eye floaters, but it can make you more aware of tiny spots that float in your field of ...
But experts say one particular form of exercise—resistance training—is crucial for brain health, with research showing it may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, a brain disorder ...
This not only reduces eye strain by moisturizing the eyes but also exercises the muscles that control pupil dilation and constriction. Pencil push-ups strengthen your convergence, which may ...
It can be challenging to reap the benefits of exercise when you can't find the motivation to get moving. Lack of motivation can strike anyone, even seasoned athletes, but it is particularly difficult ...
And the protection for your brain applies no matter how intense your exercise is, “highlighting the importance of regular movement in promoting mental health,” said lead study author Dr.
Search for events near you and more with AARP Local. Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental When you think about a total body exercise program, your balance ...
Ease yourself into better shape with this modified routine by exercise physiologist Chris Jordan, creator of the original 7-minute workout. Warning: This graphic ...
Exercise is important for everyone, no matter your age. It can keep your cardiovascular system healthy, your bones and muscles strong, help you get better sleep and benefit your mental health. The ...
Core exercises target muscles in the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis to support everyday activities and improve your athleticism. 1. Side Plank The side plank loads half of your spine and ...