Snack time! People online were so sad by the way that one turtle was desperately trying to get into his human’s fruit snacks.
Caring for tortoises, aquatic turtles, and terrapins means getting their meals just right – and that’s not as straightforward as tossing them a few leaves! These cool reptiles have some ...
So far this year, 148 stranded sea turtles have been reported from Brevard, according to data from the Florida Fish and ...
Barron said the turtles suffered from several illnesses including pneumonia, viral diseases, skin infections, parasites, dehydration and weight loss after being unable to feed themselves or swim.
The Department of Land and Natural Resources’ website states that disturbing sea turtles without a permit is unlawful, and “feeding or touching turtles in any way is considered a disturbance ...
Former and more recent in-water turtle research efforts have identified this estuarine archipelago of mangrove islands as important feeding grounds for Kemp’s ridleys and other species of marine ...
Juvenile green turtles frequent shallow coastal areas of northeast Florida where they feed on algae. One theory as to why so many are washing up lethargic or dead is that they are seeking food ...