This week's programme focuses on more important phrases to use when there is a fire emergency at work. Phrases from the ...
This week's programme focuses on how to explain health and safety procedures at work. Phrases from the programme: 本期节目中出现的表达和短语: If you see a fire, raise the alarm. Walk calmly to your nearest fire ...
We tried a new strategy, but it didn't work, so now we're back to square one. 我们尝试了新策略,但没成功,所以现在又回到了起点。 After months of dieting, I gained all the weight back. It feels like I'm back to square one. 减肥几 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
你插的太爽了,快日我 好大好爽射死我 插深点,好爽 喻清棠嘴角微抽,但懒得纠正什么。 沈林:“其中三个都比我还废物,鬼鬼祟祟,一看就不是好东西,他们中两个还被病人家属当成小偷了,然后医院保安出动,将那两个人抓走了,我打听了后续,他们还真 ...
刚说了“老头”两个字,沈林就意识到了不对劲。 听着熟悉的声音,他立即转头,却在瞬间被卡住了脖子,一只手的手腕也被人攥的咔咔作响。 沈林瞬间疼得脸色煞白,眼珠子也往上翻,面前是他熟悉的少年,可少年脸上却是他从未见过的阴狠冰冷,一身的 ...
• 比亚迪(BYD)凭借最新创新技术,市值再创新高,达到近1,600亿美元,而埃隆·马斯克旗下的汽车制造商股价暴跌,却让特斯拉(Tesla)的做空者赚得盆满钵满。马斯克参与政治似乎正在伤害他的公司,因为“购买特斯拉的可不是穿牛仔靴的人”。