Ypres was the principal town within a salient (or bulge) in the British lines and the site of two previous battles: First Ypres (October-November 1914) and Second Ypres (April-May 1915).
The First Battle of Ypres - one of five - the previous October and November claimed more than 250,000 lives. Now similar scenes are playing out around a small Ukrainian city. History has a way of ...
German memorialization centered around the struggle for Langemarck and the so-called “Kindermord –Slaughter of the Innocents”, during the protracted First Battle of Ypres (Oct. 19-Nov. 22, 1914), ...
The Daily Mirror reports the Germans' use of 'asphyxiating gas' in the trenches around Ypres, details some of ... sight of a portion of the Fleet. The first sight which greets our eyes are the ...
Ypres was the principal town within a salient (or bulge) in the British lines and the site of two previous battles: First Ypres (October-November 1914) and Second Ypres (April-May 1915).