Visiting the Eden Project in Cornwall, watching otters in the Avalon Marshes and spending the day at Portmeirion Village in ...
Peduzzi is not the type to settle with discreetly weaving in a bit of modernity under historic stucco ceilings while subtly ...
Kingfisher House may be an exceptional modern family home today, but it’s very different from what it once was.
With property prices increasing every year in Waterford, bargain hunters might want to check out these five houses or ...
A stylish, architect-designed home with award-winning landscaped gardens has been listed on the market for £2.5 million ...
This modern three-storey detached residence occupies a position in the sought-after Maidenbrook area of Taunton.
Custom home upgrades are almost a rite of passage for the rich and famous—but former NFL star Mike Pouncey took the idea of ...
To the right off the main hallway is the 180-square-foot dining room with large windows on two exterior walls and a hardwood ...
The Texas Senate unanimously approved a $336 billion budget that includes teacher pay raises, a school voucher program, and ...
This custom camper van boasts a practical layout and a soft contemporary interior design that makes it look like a calm, ...
The decked-out dwelling, which also boasts an auto showroom in the living room and a Ferrari-themed home office, has been ...