The Hot Butt Caddis Soft Hackle tied by Nick Simonson. By Nick Simonson Caddisflies provide a spring and summer target for all species from trout to panfish, and there are tons of great imitators out ...
Online angling research has a way of spurring on preparations that have been back-burnered for some time. Well behind the curve in my annual fly-tying efforts, I found the motivation I required to ...
The weather is warming up and residents looking to get outdoors need look no further than Lynn Williams, Vice President of ...
The North Country Angler has a long history of fly tying. This caretaker of the franchise has made it a focus to be able to ...
Tie one on this Sunday, March 23, at the annual Central New York Fly Tying Symposium. The free event will be held from 11 a.m ...
The Vancouver Island Trout Hatchery is located in Duncan BC. Senior Fish Culturist Lucas Philp arrived at Echo Lake mid ...
A former inmate was arrested for allegedly attempting to fly a drone carrying contraband into a South Carolina prison.
Last week we took a look at why shad are such an appealing gamefish in spring as they surge up coastal rivers to breed in ...
A mix of outdoors stories from New York, including information on Department of Environmental Conservation 2025 Summer Camps.
There is a strong correlation between the percentage of English identifiers in a constituency and the number who vote for Reform - and “Englishness” appears to be on the rise ...
Are the Dogwood or Magnolia trees in your state in bloom? That's a good sign that the bass are becoming active.