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This is the time of the year that house and building owners must keep a watch out for swarms of both native and introduced ...
Spring weather is prime time for termites. It's the time of year when they swarm, looking for new places to live. Here's the ...
Termites and ants are regularly mistaken for each other ... Some ant colonies have multiple queens. Though not known for flying, only the males and queens have wings. The male is responsible for ...
The name of this large insectivore found in Central and South America says much about it. Besides ants, the anteater also eats termites and has evolved to do so efficiently. It has a snout shaped like ...
It takes worker pharaoh ants 36 days to become adults, and winged ants mature at about 45 days old. The average lifespan for a worker ant is around 70 days. It takes worker pharaoh ants 36 days to ...
A Harris Poll conducted a survey on behalf of NPMA found that 31% of homeowners are familiar with common infestation signs. However, what was concerning was that 49% of homeowners ...
A single ant killed over 300 people. Based on these statistics, Korean Hunter Association Chairman Go Gunhee surmised that a winged ant is comparable to an A-Rank Hunter, which means it would ...
Their impressive ability to use their elongated snouts to gather thousands of ants and termites in one meal has earned them their name. However, that’s the tip of the iceberg regarding their unique ...
Aardvarks are known to have powerful a sense of smell to sniff out ants and termites, and the researchers’ videos showed them vigorously sniffing, with their nose pressed to the ground where the C.
Termites are dangerous and detrimental to the structure of your home. Here are the signs you should look for if you believe you have an infestation: While usually mistaken for flying ants ...