Cover crop termination is not a one-size-fits-all process. Ohio farmers must consider their specific goals and available ...
you’re talking about cool season crops. Need a break? Play the USA TODAY Daily Crossword Puzzle. March is a great time to direct seed spinach, radishes, chard, beets, turnips, kale and snow peas.
How to account for nutrients in cover crops is the subject of a new desk study funded by AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds and three water companies (Anglian Water, Southern Water and Wessex Water). The ...
Managing soils to improve physical structure and chemical and biological activity has become a key trend on arable farms this decade. Each of this ...
THIS book is one of the Rural Science Series, edited by L. H. Bailey, and designed to give the American farmer simple but accurate instruction in scientific agriculture. Some of the series, e.g ...
Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
LANSING — A new University of Michigan study suggests cover crop mixtures improve farmland soil health while reducing carbon emissions better than traditional single-species cover crops.