富士FUJIFILM XS20微单数码相机x-s20vlog五轴防抖自拍美颜海外版,活动售价11799元。此款相机具有优秀的画质和细腻的色彩表现力,能够捕捉到清晰细腻的照片。同时支持五轴防抖技术,让拍摄更加稳定,减少画面震动和模糊现象。除此之外,它还拥有强大的VLOG功能,可以实现不同场景下的出色表现。现在购买更有优惠活动,实付只需9784.05元!快来看看吧!
富士FUJIFILM X-S20/XS20微单相机无反套机(16-50mm XF镜头) 黑色,新品上市优惠促销中。本次活动优惠幅度高达26%,并且低于上次爆料价,现时入手可享受更多实惠。 这款相机造型小巧便携,拥有出色的画质和优秀的性能表现。它配备了一颗高分辨率的43.8MP APS-C CMOS ...
However, the X-S10 is available for a few hundred less now, as you can see in the shopping widget below: As one of the latest X-Series cameras, the Fujifilm XS20 is powered by the X-Processor 5 ...
Fuji also has some compelling accessories for the X-S20. The MHG-XS20 is a combo hand grip and bottom plate that beefs up the camera for better stability (and looks cool to boot). The new fan ...