Leading Technology Composites has a long track record manufacturing personal protective body armor and vehicle body armor in ...
Scott Garrett, CEO at Angel Armor. He and Aaron Pettigrew, Director of Sales, make sure that the company’s commitment to ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio— A Stow business owner is accused of selling counterfeit body armor imported from China to more than a dozen law enforcement agencies, including Akron, Rocky River and Columbus ...
A Stow business owner was charged in federal court or importing body armor made in China and sold as being made in the United States and without federally mandated certifications.
On Tuesday, a live-fire demonstration soft body armor was held at the Springfield ... comfortable than previous generations of armor and it was on full display as it showed its ability to stop ...
No one was injured. A warrant said Chadwick was "walking around a neighborhood with full body armor, gun belt with ammunition, a handgun in the holster on his gun belt and a rifle with a strap ...