近日,一款基于泄露数据重建的《GTA 6》 地图Mod 在《给他爱5》中上线后,很快就遭到了Take-Two的封杀。该Mod的作者Dark Space表示,自己已停止所有相关开发,并删除了Mod的下载链接.
Yet another GTA 5 mod project has been pulled from the internet, just weeks after its initial release.
Rockstar recently took GTA Online a step further with its enhanced port, with this potentially giving insight into its plans ...
With the highly anticipated launch of GTA 6 on the horizon, excitement is building, particularly around what Rockstar Games ...
"I am surprised they didn't bother emailing me. I would have taken it down if asked." ...
A Grand Theft Auto modder has had his GTA 6 map struck down by Take-Two and Rockstar Games as he believes it ‘ruins’ the surprise for the new game.
A recent GTA 6 map mod that brought the entire game world to GTA 5 has been attacked by Take-Two via DMCA Takedown.
Both GTA 5 Story Mode and GTA Online offer unique experiences. Story Mode is a cinematic crime saga focusing on a gripping ...
"[Take-Two] didn't ask me to, but I think it's smarter to get out in front of them, rather than waiting for their email." ...
The gaming world is waiting with bated breath for Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6), the next game in Rockstar Games' iconic ...
The new game from GTA series veteran Leslie Benzies is said to be as immersive as a good TV series. MindsEye is reportedly a ...
The insider had revealed the date a few months back, and prompted that the new trailer would launch on 25th. An anonymous ...