Omnitron Sensors, which makes MEMS sensor chips, has raised $13 million to create inexpensive sensors for self-driving cars.
The two arms which complete the circuit at the surface are connected with a telephone which takes the place of the customary galvanometer. The theory of this very sensitive and accurate instrument ...
The answer key for the Class 12th Physics exam 2025, conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), will be released ...
It is indispensable that the current should be regulated, and kept always uniform, with the assistance of a galvanometer, having but few coils, and therefore offering only a small resistance.
他开始对电学进行深入研究,并取得了一项重要发现。他设计了一种独特的仪器——电流计(galvanometer),用以精确测量电流的流量。这种仪器类似于指南针,在针周围缠绕一根电线,并与电源(例如电池)相连。如果针发生偏转,就表示有电流产生。电流越强 ...