From how we vote to how we think about issues like gay marriage and climate change, the generation gap seems bigger than ever before. In the Brexit referendum (according to YouGov polls), over-65s ...
DEFINING the term “generation” is rather complex - hence the generation gap. A lateral way to classify generations is to identify contemporaries in the same cohort strata who are born and ...
Some of the young people in Generation Y, also known as Millennials, feel that they are power harassed or bullied as soon as they are told off, and become arrogant as soon as they are praised. Also, ...
By investing in the right tools, fostering a culture of inclusivity and prioritising education, Saudi companies can turn ...
And each generation has its own set of stereotypes ... Being empathetic helps you connect with others, no matter the age gap. Appreciate Differences. Instead of getting caught up in what makes ...
“The Internet is the greatest generation gap since rock’n roll,” world-renowned US cybersecurity expert Bruce Schneier told the two-day Hacktivity 2010 event in the capital.
You’re dealing with desperate, failed individuals with ambitions and goals that seem nearly impossible to achieve.
While starting salary increases and wage hikes are gaining momentum in Japan, pay increases tend to favor younger workers, while those for mi ...