The subject of structural geology will provide knowledge of structures that are formed as a result of deformation in rocks. The course provides a good understanding of structural geology and tectonics ...
NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered a strange rock studded with hundreds of small dark spheres. This unexpected find reignites the debate about active geological processes in ...
Structural geology is the study of the deformation of the surface and subsurface of the Earth and other planetary bodies. This deformation reflects past changes in local and regional stress and ...
Studying the tectonic forces within the Earth give rise to continents, ocean basins, mountain ranges, earthquake belts, and most volcanoes, along with the resulting deformation of geological ...
2011), showing the LLVP (large red area) under Africa, made using the GPlates software. Credit: Jeroen Ritsema et al. Deep within Earth’s mantle lie two enormous, continent-sized structures known as ...
The toll from Myanmar's earthquake continued to rise on Sunday, as foreign rescue teams and aid rushed into the impoverished ...
Rescuers are desperately searching for survivors more than two days after a powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Myanmar, ...
Scientists Crack Mystery Behind Large Slabs of the Earth's Crust That Went 'Missing' From Geological Records The Earth is no ...
G eoscientists have used earthquakes to study the composition of the lower portion of the Earth’s mantle under the Pacific ...
For more than a decade, a robotic explorer has been traveling across Mars, quietly collecting clues about a time when the Red ...
The company has engaged Gustavo Rosa de Almeida, a Brazilian exploration geologist, to coordinate the mobilisation efforts.