A state pensioner sent a long letter to Moneyweb complaining that the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) granted an increase of only 2.9% in pensions paid to public service pensioners ...
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The group did record operating costs that were higher than inflation, however it said that these mostly related to spending on IT infrastructure to support the two-pot retirement withdrawals.
There’s been a lot of buzz around the Two-pot retirement system that officially came into effect on September 1, 2024. It’s a significant shift in how retirement savings are managed in South ...
The two-pot retirement system was implemented on 1 September last year and gives you the option to withdraw from your savings pot once per tax year. Now that the new financial year has started ...
The Public Servants Association (PSA), received a disappointing response from the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) about the state of workers’ pension fund following media reports that ...
The statutory actuarial valuation report on the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF), prepared by African Origins and Alexander Forbes as at 31 March 2021, has been released by the GEPF after a ...
South African fund members have shown major interest in accessing their retirement savings through the two-pot retirement system, but what is the long-term impact? According to John Anderson ...
Sanlam partnered with the SABC during the weeks up to the implementation of the Two Pot system, during which time Lize frequented on the news and also on the radio ensuring members are educated about ...
Find public sector tender opportunities in South Africa here. This portal provides access to information on all tenders made by all public sector organisations in all spheres of government.
Being part of a political economy notorious for its world-beating inequality and in a country where Africans are 80% of the population, guarantees that most Africans will be poor. This is Part 2 in a ...