NEW DELHI: Artificial insemination technology, currently used to improve breeds of cattle in the country, will now also be ...
“Sheep and goats both have fairly seasonal breeding patterns, most breed in the fall and give birth in the spring, leading to a higher supply of lambs and kids in late summer,” Thorne said. “That ...
Goats are also routinely subjected to painful dehorning and castration. On higher-welfare, pasture-based sheep farms, tail docking is prohibited and castration is only permitted when uncontrolled ...
Goat and sheep breeders will march to the presidential palace in Nicosia on February 11, demanding that the agriculture minister enforce her own decree mandating a 5 per cent annual increase in ...
A mixed grazing enterprise 70km south of Mungallala is looking to improve the carcase size and growth rate of their rangeland ...
Hn the upcoming Brookside Livestock Breeders Show and Sale, slated for early next month, sheep and goats will be among animals on show as well as demonstrations on their handling in a forum that ...
Small ruminants are a growing presence on Virginia farms, according to a recently-released national survey. The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service’s ...
Participants who selected the rare breeds action must produce at least one offspring that is registered with the relevant ...
Among the unique hobby farm animals, pygmy goats are a friendly breed that makes an excellent pet for a constant supply of fresh milk. These diminutive goats, often considered a popular breed ...