The U.S. education system is not preparing today’s students to achieve in the world of tomorrow. Our society is becoming ever-more dependent on technology. So if American students are to ...
Overall, the percentage of students from kindergarten to third grade who scored at or above the benchmark in literacy rose ...
A mid-year update on student achievement in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District was presented to the board of trustees at the district’s regular February meeting.
Some Seattle parents say their children are not receiving highly capable services at their neighborhood schools despite the ...
Five years after the pandemic, only 20% of fourth graders who are Black, Latino or from low-income households scored ...
In almost every state, student achievement in math is below pre-pandemic levels. Alabama was the only state where fourth-graders' average math scores surpassed 2019. What are they doing differently?
The results of a nationwide study conducted by academics at Harvard and Stanford show a puzzling pattern – students' math ...
Math & Science College Prep, which is located on the former grounds of Frederick Douglass elementary school in Los Angeles, plays Diamond Ranch on Tuesday in the Southern California Division V ...
So it was with a piqued interest that I read the March 4 piece attempting to provide an argument around school funding ...
Scores on the Smarter Balanced and state science tests will soon be labeled Advanced, Proficient, Developing and Minimal.
Changes worth considering in the D158 Medication policy include revising the requirement for both parental and physician ...