Rachmaninoff wanted to recreate the world as it once was. He was the last of the great Romantic composers. Fortunately, there are still pianists and conductors and listeners and critics such as Fiona ...
Looking for something to do this weekend? Here are a few recommendations from Globe writers and critics, covering music, theater, comedy, museums, family events, and more.
The Handel and Haydn Society has revealed details of its 2025-26 Season, the 211th consecutive season. Learn more about the season and see how to purchase tickets here!
This week, we’ll sort our recommendations into categories to allow you to explore classical music in Northeast Ohio by genre.
Gregory Batsleer, director of the SCO Chorus, tells David Kettle about preparing his singers for a forthcoming performance of ...
Variety was the spice of life at the latest gathering of the Lanarkshire Philatelic Society as members living in Lanark ...
This year’s Borealis festival in Bergen presented a mix of at times bizarre new ensemble, theatre and operatic works from ...
The 1970s nostalgia theme will continue through the year, as the drive-in will be offering themed events, classic films from ...
The hand of Wichita Symphony Orchestra’s new executive director is evident in the 2025-26 schedule, announced last week ...