It's a show they, and the world, have seen before: a man rowing a giant pumpkin down Tumut River. So, how do you actually grow a pumpkin large enough for an adult man to row like he's the ...
The plant family “Cucurbitaceae,” a.k.a. the ... One cup of sliced cucumbers contains about 16 calories. Done looking at pumpkin facts? Stay in the spooky season spirit with creepy crawly ...
For growing this pumpkin, 74-year old Hiram Watson of Farmington, N.H., won the annual Topsfield Fair weigh-off and took home $5,500. A century ago, Watson’s pumpkin would have been an ...
Prince Edward Islanders looking to try their hand at growing giant pumpkins will have the chance to learn from the best this Wednesday evening. Mark Tremere, P.E.I.'s reigning champion giant ...