Tanggol said: “This road development project will significantly boost the local economy by facilitating the transport of agricultural goods, such as rice, corn, and coffee, as well as supporting ...
For more than 25 years, an auction in a small Norfolk County village has attracted bidders from as far away as Hamilton, London and the Greater Toronto Area. It could be the colourful auctioneers ...
After making a successful return to form last year, the Arts Center of Saint Peter is coming back to the Capitol Room with hundreds of artisan bowls for attendees to choose from at the annual ...
Still, she graduated in 2007. War forced her to flee to Cameroon’s Maltam refugee camp, where food was scarce, the heat unbearable, and access to information nearly nonexistent. Eventually, in 2012 ...
Quilt pattern designers Sharon and Jackie of SJ Quilts will present a 45-minute lecture and show on "How to Choose Fabric" at the Hastings Quilters Guild meeting March 6. The designing sisters ...
“The COVID-19 pandemic actually fueled interest in stores like Joann’s, as more people stayed away from work and took up hobbies at home, such as sewing and handicrafts,” Beahm said.
She enjoyed volunteering, gardening, reading, handicrafts, and spending time with her children and grandchildren. In July 2009, Sharon moved to Minot into a patio home that she had built in a new ...
Thirty-five-year-old Naeema Mohamed Abed is one of the many entrepreneurs who have benefitted from this approach. Naeema’s handicraft business aims to revive Ferka — a traditional ancient Egyptian ...
To make a direct call to Cameroon From Ecuador, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Cameroon mobile or land line from Ecuador. To ...