Harry Truman gave a notable speech in 1947 called ... of each other led to a series of tense stand-offs throughout the Cold War.
Putin is close to reversing the Cold War’s outcome, but not because of Russian power. The Trump administration is simply ...
After succeeding Franklin Roosevelt in 1945, Harry S. Truman won the presidency in his own right in 1948, defeating Republican Thomas Dewey and achieving one of the most stunning political comebacks ...
He figures he can win if he can convince the American public that the Cold War was started and was being fueled by one man, Harry Truman. And if he, Henry Wallace, could replace Harry Truman ...
On July 25, 1945, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and American President Harry Truman met ... and set the stage for a post-war "cold" war that would ...
One of the strangest characteristics of Cold War historiography is the frequency ... The nation was lucky to have Harry Truman in position as VP when FDR died — but it was a near run thing.
The C.I.A. told President Harry S. Truman that the United States faced ... unless Soviet leaders had decided to start an all-out war.
The making of a Cold War spy. The life and work of Frank ... One man who had influence over such weapons was President Harry Truman’s secretary of defense, James Forrestal.
Keywords Harry Truman, presidency, World War II, atomic bomb ... seizure south of US border 8 Things You Should Never Wash in Cold Water Rescued astronauts: How much will they get paid for ...
and also played roles in both World Wars and the Cold War. From 1946 through 1952, President Harry Truman used this house as his winter vacation home and because he spent 175 days of his ...