The rhythm of wheat harvest is a symbolic sight during the summer months. This year, the sounds of harvest are rather quiet in some of the biggest wheat producing areas of the country, as extreme ...
Wheat sowing this season has increased to 32 million hectare (Mha) against 31.56 Mha last year and higher than the average sown area of the last five year.
“This year we are going to have an estimated demand of 13 million tons of wheat, but Brazil will only harvest 9 million tons. That means that at the current growth of the crop and the average of ...
Spring wheat harvest remained behind last year and average due, in part, to springtime planting delays and the below normal average temperatures that followed, according to the U.S. Department of ...
Mixed farmer Nick Schulz from Strathkellar, east of Hamilton, wrapped up their wheat and canola harvest just over a week ago, but was finishing off some contract harvesting for a neighbour.
Big yields and attractive prices are encouraging growers to sell sorghum off the header while in the very dry south, growers ...
Dr Jasbir Gill, who is heading the project, said that after the paddy is harvested, wheat seeds are sown with the surface seeder and that paddy straw is mulched and spread over the ground ...
China expands planted area, aspires to higher production; wheat 140 million tonnes, rice 208Mt, corn 295Mt, help explain ...