Big donations of the vintage instruments enrich the stateʻs Hawaiian Music Archives. Soon, you may be able to check them out.
Hawaiʻi State Archives launches "Builder’s Spotlight," showcasing 'ukulele craftsmanship and Hawaiian music tradition, ...
sign up for News 2 You Their journey into Hawaiian music and dance began with a simple suggestion from their mother. Kaika picked up the ukulele as a way to connect with the culture, while Lilia ...
Five years after COVID-19 forced the statewide shutdown of public entertainment, it’s mostly curtains on the big blackout.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Search the internet for ukulele instruction and you’ll be swamped with all kind of sites. But one of the originals has stood the test of time. It’s called Ukulele ...
For most people, a standard trip to Hawaii involves a visit to the beach and perhaps a stop at the Pearl Harbor museum.
Other free experiences range from nature tours and Disney movie nights to fire pit storytelling and live Hawaiian music. You can also take advantage of ukulele and hula lessons and other fun events.
the former business manager of Kamaka Hawaii, Inc., the oldest ukulele manufacturer in Hawaii, pled guilty Mar. 5 before Judge Erika Ireland. Kamaka Hawaii, Inc. was, Samuel Kaialiilii Kamaka Sr..
Low key and affordable, Hilo has recently raised its coolness factor with a swanky new speakeasy and local chefs gaining ...