He gave advice on how to help with one habit all children have that could worsen their symptoms - rubbing their eyes. He said ...
With the first wave of hay fever season in full swing, a GP gives us his expert advice on how to relieve the symptoms for ...
But hay fever sufferers have been warned against putting their washing out to dry at certain times as it can make their ...
A warning has been issued to any hay fever sufferers who are planning hang their laundry out to dry this spring.
Hay fever occurs when the body reacts to histamine, a substance released in response to allergens such as tree pollen and grass pollen ...
Placing a small amount of Vaseline around your nose and eyes can catch pollen and prevent it from causing aggravation.
With nearly half of the UK population suffering from hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, the beginning of a new ...
Hay fever, an allergy the pollen, typically hits from late March, as tree pollen begins to peak, lasting through until ...
Hay fever, an allergy the pollen, typically hits from late March, as tree pollen begins to peak, lasting through until ...
Wondering when to take hay fever medication? Dr Amir Khan has the answer as he spoke on ITV's Lorraine about early seasonal ...
In an ideal world, you should keep your windows and doors closed indefinitely if you suffer from hay fever and want to reduce ...
Millions of people in the U.S. each year deal with symptoms of seasonal allergies caused by distinct types of pollen.