When we confess, we bang our chests on top of where our hearts are. Yet, the heart in classical Hebrew thought is not the seat of our feelings or love (‘With all my heart’) but the seat of our ...
Julie Faith Parker is a Hebrew scholar who teaches biblical studies at General Theological Seminary in New York, and Eve ...
Interestingly, the word shevet is spelled the same way in Hebrew as other words including the month of Shevat, and the Hebrew word for cloning.
Sixty years after he first began serializing it in the Yiddish press, and 42 years after publisher Alfred A. Knopf acquired ...
Each of my children has different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. With Hashem’s help, they will all find their own individual paths.
If you think you’re doomed for sleep deprivation, spousal bickering and poverty once your precious arrival is here, well, you ...
Elon University often gets confused with the billionaire in charge of DOGE, despite no connection, but the mix-ups have ...
Amid the current chaos in the world, Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander has often been asked “where is God.” Instead, Rabbi Brander ...
April—time of showers and spring flowers, all manner of leavened breads and the complete absence thereof.
This investment positions AJU among other mission-driven institutions that seek to leverage financial resources for impact.