While you might be able to make a pretty good guess as to why the Ford 427 V8 was called the "side-oiler," the history ...
In 1888, Henry Ford married Clara Jane Bryant, whose father was also a farmer from Wayne County. In 1893, their first and only son, Edsel Bryant Ford, was born. Inventing Motor Vehicles Ford’s first ...
This engine first hit the road back in 1958 for Ford ... Last is the "Ford Edsel" -- said to be named after Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford and his wife Clara's only child, Edsel.
In 1907, Henry ... the Ford Motor Company: to create "a motor car for the great multitude." At that time, automobiles were expensive, custom-made machines. Ford's engineers took the first step ...
Henry Ford didn't create the automobile, but he's often credited with helping to shape the 20th century by making it more widely accessible. Modern car production would likely not exist as it is ...
Henry Ford's parents left Ireland during ... advancing from machine-shop apprentice to chief engineer. In 1893, Ford built a gasoline engine, and within a few years, an automobile, still a novelty ...