Luckily, one Colorado company has set out to solve this conundrum with innovative pants – and more recently snow gear – that ...
After a long, dark winter, spring’s warmer weather and longer days kindle a new motivation to get out in the hills and ...
In the woods a short walk from a picturesque town's quaint cafes and storefronts hides an area haunted by its spine-chilling ...
Since railroad lines linked communities, rail trails typically function as connectors, too. While there’s no standard ...
Leatherman is the LeBron James of multitools – it’s not a question of whether you need one so much as which one you need ...
These five sunset hikes in Louisiana offer a relaxing ending to the day. Stroll along lakes and rivers or watch the sunset ...
These five dog-friendly hikes in Texas are the perfect adventures for you and your pooch. They can roam freely, drink fresh water, and swim.
Now that the weather is getting warmer and spring is on the way, going for a walk is a great way to get some exercise or catch up with a friend.
As the southeast Asian country celebrates the 60th anniversary of its independence, Tamara Hinson rounds up the best ways to ...
It’s spring, and time for some great opportunities to get out in nature to bird watch, hike, volunteer and more.
One of the best places for coastal camping in the Gower Peninsular is near Llangennith beach. This sandy Welsh beach is a ...
The Altra Lone Peak 9 refines its popular design with improved traction, added durability and updated cushioning. Here's how ...