No matter the size of your space or your budget, a backyard or patio garden, particularly one that uses native plants, can be a haven for you and the many wildlife species that either call ...
"You need to invest in making your patio hospitable if you intend to use it," says Kevin Lenhart, the design director at ...
Over the course of the winter, your garden has most likely fallen victim to an invasion of weeds, and you can banish them ...
Black spots can leave your patio looking dirty and neglected but thankfully, they can be removed with a few household items ...
visit the Colorado State University Homestead Garden, Colorado Homesteading Doable and Renewable from Patio to Farm, behind booths 1829 and 1929, to learn how to homestead. This garden will ...
will soon outpace every other in your garden. By mid to late summer, it can easily cover a trellis of 6 feet tall or more, providing beauty and screening on your patio. An old-fashioned favorite ...
Our expert home editors scouted out the best patio furniture that will make your outdoor space comfortable for gathering while withstanding the elements to stay in tip-top shape when not in use.