It requires us to rake the lawn to remove as much thatch and moss as possible. This allows light and air to reach the living grass. The lawn will benefit greatly from this job and be happier in spring ...
One gardener took to Reddit to ask for advice about what to do with the landscaping fabric they discovered in their new yard.
Meet the most common botanical interlopers you're likely to find in your garden or vegetable patch, and learn how to treat ...
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about how to divide a hydrangea and whether you can plant anything under evergreens ...
Wait to sharpen mower blades until after the first two or three times you mow. Sticks and debris often greet mower blades ...
Here are some ideas for using less water and fewer chemicals and adding more diversity and color to your landscape.
By now your vegetable garden should be all planned out and seeds purchased, or at least ordered, as well as onion sets or ...
Getty Images Spring is the time when our lawns appear their freshest and greenest, becoming vibrant and lush due to frequent rains and rising temperatures. The mowing season is nearly here, but spring ...
Alan Titchmarsh has shared a simple and quick hack to repair bald patches on your lawn. The gardening expert said the ...
Dear Reader: Wait until the grass has greened up fully and is growing actively. That’s probably going to be late April into May. I use a square-bladed nursery spade, also called a “tile spade.” It ...
Wondering when to start mowing again? Here are three key signs that your lawn is ready for its first cut of the season.
Replacing a mass planting of boxwoods gives you the opportunity to diversify your landscape and try native or underused ...