FaceTime is more than just one-to-one chats. Here's how to filter out background noise, leave a message, add callers, and ...
Your options for sharing a screen on Zoom. Credit: Your options for sharing a screen on Zoom. The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work, and that means from now on we're going to be ...
While there are several ways like- HDMI, Chromecast dongle, USB and more through which you can connect your smartphones, the simplest way is screen sharing. Connecting your smartphone wirelessly ...
End the call by hitting the same red button. Surprisingly, the folks at Discord have added a screen share option to the social media platform, and you know what? It works. To get it up and running ...
Another useful feature of Google Hangouts is the ability to share your screen with others. Sharing your screen is useful when you want to show documents, presentations, videos or other content to ...