The trial was part of a small — but growing — group of animal-to-human organ transplants, in a practice known as ...
Chinese doctors said Wednesday that they had transplanted a liver from a genetically modified pig into a brain-dead human for ...
Many people feel sick even if they don't have a fever and many have a normal body temperature lower than 98.6 degrees. How to ...
The days of Doctor Google might soon be behind us, but there’s another spot ask about health, sex, and pleasure goings.
The burgeoning development of artificial intelligence has found a sultry new frontier in the sex robot industry, as a Chinese ...
A body has been found after two children and one adult were reported missing following a boat capsize in Florida on March 21. The remaining two are still missing, but the Coast Guard's search was ...
Activating stem cells via molecular programming, rather than relying on random cell transplants, significantly enhances the success of regenerative treatments.
Your body needs small amounts of vitamins every day in order to work well. But when it comes to vitamin supplements, too much of a good thing can be toxic.
The Texas measles outbreak has expanded to 309 cases, affecting four new counties, with most cases in children 17 and younger ...
Oranges are a citrus fruit known for their immune-boosting properties, due to their high vitamin C content. However, there ...
The recommended daily amount rises slightly for older adults, increasing from 15 micrograms per day to 20 mcg at age 71. One cup of fortified 2% milk contains 2.9 mcg of vitamin D, compared to 14.2 ...
Now, Japanese researchers are moving a promising, tooth-regrowing medicine into human trials. If the trial is successful, the ...