This aspect is crucial for the gait of those wearing SoftFoot Pro ... in harmony with the sensorimotor characteristics of the human being. Because of its flexibility, SoftFoot Pro perfectly ...
Modern human anatomy has built on the strengths and the weaknesses of a body plan inherited from distant ancestors, giving us an efficient and graceful gait and a range of painful problems from ...
Gait initiation: the first four steps in young adults, adults aged 65-79 years, and adults aged 80-91 years. Gait and Posture, 39: 490-494. Chagdes JC, Rietdyk S, Haddad JM, Zelaznik HN, Raman A (2013 ...
These creatures have a human-like upright gait, come hairier than humans but not as hairy as an ape, and have a distinct ape-like face, according to the Lio people’s accounts to Forth.