There's good news for local drivers in Plymouth and Cornwall as moves are afoot to make crossing the Tamar more cost-friendly. A cross-party and cross-border collective of politicians are rallying ...
Influential business leaders from across the region have written mayoral candidates on both banks of the Humber, urging them to work together to maximise the estuary’s potential.
IBA customers pre-pay their toll accounts, so you won't have a past-due account balance with the IBA. If you receive a text like this regarding the Bay City Bridge Partners and want to verify if ...
The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTB) announced Tuesday; the I-78 Toll Bridge’s two-lane Express E-ZPass facility is scheduled to undergo a series of lane closures.
Drivers arriving at the M6toll booths simply insert their Allstar card, take a receipt and drive on. There is no need for the driver to complete an expense claim as billing is made directly on a ...
A programme called Tamar 2050 looking at how to increase income from the bridge includes a plan to remove toll booths and barriers and bring in ‘open road tolling’ using automatic number plate ...
Public transportation advocates and Bay Area lawmakers like State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) are pushing for a new bridge toll increase to bolster public transportation funding and prevent ...
Recently, showing how easy it is to fool vehicle owners in India, an influencer and his friends managed to set up a fake toll booth in the middle of a random road. They even started collecting toll ...
Four-hundred fundraisers in headscarves crossed the Humber Bridge on Sunday to raise money for a statue to honour four pioneering women from Hull. The Headscarf Revolutionaries fought to improve ...