DR. LOTSY'S hook is one of many signs that biologists are growing uneasy about the adequacy of evolutionary theory. By whatever doubts the doctrine of Selection was assailed, it has hitherto been ...
When ExPOSE was used in conjunction with techniques like hybridization chain reaction, commonly known as HCR, and immunofluorescence, Cox and his team found that they were able to see both ...
Nickel(0) and boron—together at last in square-planar complexes 8 hours ago DNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles are poised to bring gene therapy to common chronic diseases ...
Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Menlo Park, California 94025, United States ...
Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113, United States ...
2011). The cellular localization of P450(c21), P450(2D4), and P450(11β1) was identified using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical staining. Significant expression of both P450(2D4) and ...
In the past decade, advances in genome sequencing have allowed researchers to uncover the history of hybridization in diverse groups of species, including our own. Although the field has made ...
Insights into the conformational organization and dynamics of proteins complexes at membranes is essential for our mechanistic understanding of numerous key biological processes. Here, we introduce ...
2011). To quantitate FM4-64 uptake in the lateral crista hair cells, a 0.75 μm 2 square region of interest (ROI) was defined manually within the hair cell, not overlapping with other hair cells, using ...