NHS delays meant Nick Whelan’s infected tooth developed into deadly blood poisoning that left him in a coma - as shock poll ...
磨牙切牙矿化不全(Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation,MIH)是儿科牙科领域中一个备受瞩目的问题,就像牙齿健康世界里的 “捣蛋鬼”,给孩子们的牙齿带来诸多麻烦。它不仅让牙齿变得 “脆弱不堪”,容易患上龋齿,还影响美观和功能,严重降低了孩子们的生活质量。
A common condition affecting up to 20 per cent of the population is enamel hypomineralisation. It is a genetic condition that results in soft and chalky enamel that means the tooth/teeth can break ...