Xiaomi, which made its name as a smartphone giant, is now making waves in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Since launching ...
在春意盎然的3月22日,以“去春天里野”为口号的iCAR V23智驾全版型上市活动在上海成功举办,同时迎来了首批玩家的交付仪式,标志着iCAR ...
3月23日消息,据“汽车像素”公众号报道,奇瑞集团对iCAR产品线进行了调整。原本统属于奇瑞新能源的工厂和产品线正在重新划分。报道称,苏峻成为iCAR事业部总经理后,该事业部获得了原本iCAR品牌的多数产品,包括去年底上市的V23,以及预计会在今年上半年亮相、年底发布的全新车型V25。此前内部规划中,V25的名字叫iCAR 05,调整后,这款车将与V23采用相似的结构来命名。此外,奇瑞计划让iCA ...
Apple’s new iPhone 16e arrived on my doorstep ... this would be until I watched it slide off the dashboard holder in my car. You can still charge it wirelessly, but only with the older, slower ...