If you're carrying credit card debt, you can reduce high interest by transferring your outstanding balance to a credit card that offers a period of zero interest when you first open the account ...
Singapore-based shipbuilder Strategic Marine has commissioned a series of three new crew transfer vessels with a maximum speed of over 53 knots, the fastest of their kind in the world.
High-speed, four-stroke engines provide power for three surface effect ship design crew transfer vessels for Angola Rolls-Royce Power Systems’ MTU high-speed engines provide the propulsive heart for a ...
An ambulance crew arrived at Hanley's Tesco Extra store after the alarm was raised at around 3.30pm this afternoon (January 22). Photos from the scene showed an ambulance parked outside the main ...
MIC@Home is an initiative by MOH to have stable patients treated in their homes instead of a hospital ward, thus freeing up beds for those who need them more. As required, doctors and nurses will ...
An emergency ambulance crew from ... we work tirelessly to give the patient the best possible outcome." Ms Francis began CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) while her crew mate applied the ...
SPARTA TOWNSHIP — The driver of an ambulance was cited following a two-vehicle crash Friday near Spartansburg that left three people, including a 79-year-old patient who had been traveling in ...
Paramedics are treating 'a number of patients' at the scene of a major blaze. An air ambulance has also been sent to the scene in Burslem where emergency services are lining up. Now West Midlands ...
We dispatched one ambulance crew and one community paramedic to the incident, supported by our colleagues at the North West Ambulance Service. One patient was taken to the Royal Victoria Infirmary." ...
Quickly entering the cave, the crew found a casualty lying on the bottom of the pitch unresponsive. After the site was recorded for North Yorkshire Police, the man was placed on a stretcher and lifted ...
Kannur: A case has been registered against a doctor in Kerala's Kannur district for allegedly obstructing an ambulance carrying a critically ill patient to a hospital, police said on Saturday. The ...
“When we go to a cardiac arrest call, we work tirelessly to give the patient the best possible ... body to keep someone alive until the ambulance crew arrives. Without immediate treatment ...