Did you know that over 60% of international shipping disputes arise from unclear trade terms? For businesses shipping goods ...
At the time, the world’s trade industries were already almost 50 years into an experiment meant to help deliver on this promise: a unified code of communication called “Incoterms rules” or ...
CESTAT Delhi held that FOB value is the transaction value and customs officer has no right to interfere/ modify the FOB value of the goods. Thus, appeal of exporter’s allowed and order set aside.
PlasCred Circular Innovations Inc. (CSE: PLAS) (FSE: XV2) (the "Company" or "PlasCred"), a transformative leader in the ...
We have reported extensively on President Trump's "America First Trade Policy", the new tariffs imposed on Canada, Mexico and China, and ...
To help facilitate the delivery of such items, the most commonly known trade terms are international commercial terms (Incoterms). Incoterms are internationally recognized standards published by ...
Victoria Callicott, Simon Jones, and Everett Eissenstat of Squire Patton Boggs address some foreseeable impacts from the ...
2022年,某国内建材企业与海外采购方签订钢材供应合同,约定“新冠疫情属于不可抗力”。然而,在合同履行期间,因奥密克戎变异株导致港口封闭,企业迟延交货达3个月。外方拒付货款并要求赔偿,主张“病毒变异未超预期,不适用不可抗力条款”。法院审理认为: ...
在全球贸易壁垒升级、合规监管趋严的当下,一场因“商品归类错误”导致的百万级海关罚款,或是一单因“信用证条款漏洞”引发的跨境纠纷,都可能让企业多年积累的海外市场毁于一旦。如何将风险防控嵌入国际贸易全链条?如何借势政策红利实现合规增效? 2025企业国际贸易合规人才特训营 以系统性解决方案,为外贸企业及从业者提供破局之道。
Edge underlined the potential impact on the Canadian fenestration industry if flat glass remains on this list, given that Canada does not currently manufacture raw glass, and buys almost 90% of its ...