If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance. It is rightly said that if you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it. Learning is the most fundamental and ...
Hastinapur, a protected site of national significance in Uttar Pradesh, has recently seen government-led developments. Efforts include pathway construction, gardens, and public amenities. The ...
Jordan Public Schools students will soon learn more about the history and life of American Indians who lived in Minnesota. Students will be able to read, see and touch authentic Native American ...
A Russian archaeological mission started working on the site but never executed its plan to rebuild the third-century Monumental Arch at the entrance of ancient Palmyra. On Dec. 7, Syrian rebels ...
PALMYRA, Syria—Abdurahman Abu Hamza, a farmer from the Syrian city of Deir Ezzour, last visited the ancient ruins of Palmyra on a school trip as a child. Last week, he strolled with friends past ...