Four executions are scheduled this year with a new lethal injection protocol and the ethical and legal debate is intensifying ...
South Carolina is scheduled to put to death next month the state's fifth death row inmate since a 13-year pause was lifted on ...
Protestors called for the abolishment of the death penalty Thursday morning outside the Oklahoma State Capitol, shortly ...
Mikal Mahdi was sentenced to death for killing an off-duty Orangeburg police officer in Calhoun County, South Carolina.
Two men on Mississippi's death row were told the state Supreme Court would not rehear arguments in their cases.
Recent executions in South Carolina and Louisiana have sparked more debate amongst Americans. Does Florida use nitrogen gas or firing squads?
Our court system relies on a jury of our peers to enforce criminal law, but new research confirms a "good jury" consists primarily of white men.
The State of Florida on Thursday executed a death row inmate convicted of raping and killing an 8-year-old girl and then ...
The survivors of an Oklahoma death row inmate's 2005 deadly home invasion spoke after his execution on Thursday.
South Carolina became the first state since 2010 to execute an inmate by firing squad. Is the method legal in Mississippi?
Wendell Grissom was convicted of killing Amber Matthews, a young mother, in 2005. He was sentenced to die by lethal injection.
Steven Bixby who subscrubes to views held by the sovereign citizen movement was sentenced to death for the murders of two law ...