The triple star system is sending comets, asteroids and meteors our way, and the number of interstellar objects entering the solar system will rise.
Interstellar travel is not for humans as the timescale is well beyond a human lifespan, but celestial bodies, such as ...
A newly observed interstellar comet is the most pristine visitor from outer space ever seen in our Solar System, according to a pair of studies released Tuesday detailing its unique characteristics.
Observatories including NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found that the interstellar object named 'Oumuamua gained an extra boost of speed, which likely comes from comet-like jets of gas. YouTube ...
In 2019, he discovered an interstellar comet, which received his name. "I have discovered a new comet. The discovery happened in the early morning of November 8. This evening I received a ...
"Our Sun (Sol) is marked by a black hexagon, and its orbital path is indicated by a grey solid line (top row only). Alpha Centauri's location and path are shown by a yellow star and a solid blue line ...
Astronomers may have spotted the second object ever to visit our solar system from another star system. The object may even fly near Mars later this year, though it's still far away. The ...
Scientists have confirmed only two interstellar objects so far. 'Oumuamua, spotted in 2017, and Comet Borisov, detected in 2019, both passed quickly through the solar system. Now, a study suggests ...