And that’s precisely why his death feels like the demise of real Old Labour, the working class part of it. I knew John Prescott a little: lunch at Westminster, chats at the Irish Embassy or the ...
John Prescott was always a friend and inspiration to me. He used to phone me up after Prime Minister questions to give his verdict, and join me on campaign trips as Labour ’s deputy leader.
Former deputy prime minister John Prescott was as a political bruiser, an old-school Labour MP who could down a pint in five seconds and was no stranger to public outbursts — famously punching a ...
Two Jags' John Prescott is about to earn himself a new nickname: 'Three Jags'. The Deputy Prime Minister is taking delivery of another Jaguar - his third - to add to his luxury car collection.
"People always understood what John Prescott was talking about ... "So it’s right we meet here today in this famous 600 year-old cathedral," he adds. "Immortalised in statues and plaques ...