Returning to school after the extended summer break can be a shock to your kids. Photo / 123rf From ... For many children, going back to school is a time of heightened anxiousness.
“We were able to talk to the principal, get our questions answered, see some teachers that she knew, and meet the teachers that she didn’t,“ 7th-grade parent Sarah Nelson said. “Tonight was all about ...
And when disaster does strike, districts need to figure out how to get kids back to school as quickly as possible and arrange makeup time for the days they missed, Morrill said. It’s not enough to ...
Many adults have gone back to work and the kids' school holidays will soon come to an end. As most people know, January can be a financially tough month if you’ve overspent during the festive ...
You can't force kids to cooperate. What works is setting clear expectations or limits with natural consequences that scaffold children to make good choices.
New uniforms, bags, and shoes - parents often buy them for their children before school starts. How do you prepare for your child who's going back or just starting school? Going to school for the ...