I bought this TV during on a Flipkart Sale at an attractive price of Rs. 169000/-. In fact I was looking for a 55 inch OLED/QLED TV with in a budget of 1.25 lacs ... The screen quality is simply mind ...
which means you're getting a brighter picture with better burn-in protection and colour reproduction than the equivalent LG OLED panels. Being a QD-OLED panel also means you get deep blacks ...
The Haier 140 cm (55 inches) 4K Ultra HD ... OLED, and QLED affect picture quality. The best TV brands employ advanced technologies to provide vibrant colours, deep contrasts, and sharp images ...
As for which OLED TV wins the title of "best OLED TV", it changes every year. LG has an impressive track record of engineering award-winning OLEDs, and recently, Samsung walked away with the title.