Louis Vuitton 推出全新 LV Sneakerina 运动鞋,LV Sneakerina 运动鞋的设计别出心裁,巧妙融合了运动鞋与现代芭蕾平底鞋这两种碰撞元素。该款鞋履以流畅线条,定义轻盈与动感。它兼具功能性与时尚感,是对当下极简运动风的潮流演绎。无论是日常休闲,亦或是精致造型,LV Sneakerina 运动鞋都能轻松胜任。这要归功于 Sacchetto ...
Shanghai police have busted a gang that made and sold fake sneakers online. Shanghai police busted a gang that manufactured and marketed counterfeit sneakers online, including high-end brands such as ...
23. aprīlis Trešdiena Krājuma glabātājas, vēsturnieces Diānas Miķelsones lekcija "Zirgu sports Latvijā starpkaru periodā". 16:00 Atvērtā krājuma ekspozīcijā (Dzirnavu ielā 5) ...
根据猫眼专业版数据,截至目前,影片已陆续登陆全球超过10个电影市场。2月13日,影片登陆澳洲市场,澳新开画首日票房是近20年华语片总票房冠军;2月14日,影片登陆北美市场,北美开画首周末票房打破近20年华语片在北美地区的票房纪录;2月22日,影片登陆 ...
同样,思琳(Céline)在埃迪·斯理曼的带领下,以Rock Chic风格重新定义品牌形象,业绩飙升。巴黎世家在Demna的掌舵下,更是突破传统高定框架,融合街头文化与讽刺元素,成为全新的奢侈品代表。
Europe Day celebrates the anniversary of the Schuman declaration on 9 May 1950, which set out the foundation of the European Union as we know it today. On this occasion, the Council of the EU invites ...