and fish eggs. Also known as the rock sturgeon, the lake sturgeon is one of 27 species of sturgeon, a family of bony fish that found around the world that first appears in the fossil record more ...
The 2025 sturgeon spearing season yielded more than twice as many sturgeon as 2024. This is the 10th consecutive year the Lake Winnebago system has lasted the full 16-day season. The Upriver Lakes ...
But most importantly, Woiderski said the limited season keeps the cultural relevance of the lake sturgeon alive. Meanwhile, the fish population has more than doubled in the last 25 years.
MICHIGAN, USA — Saugatuck Brewing Company is making a splash with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to support the conservation of Lake Sturgeon. The fish are a threatened species in ...
CHICAGO— Conservation groups sent a notice today of their intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to respond to a 2018 petition seeking Endangered Species Act protection for the ...