That many of us metamorphosise into a burly club fighter from the wrong end of Philadelphia as soon as the Monopoly board unfolds has been essential to the game’s appeal since it was patented in 1935.
With all of the recent changes to tenancy laws, and the added costs to landlords, the power balance between the two is shifting. Property Manager Mik ...
Mark Johnson and Bessie Fakhri of Seyfarth Shaw LLP discuss a California Supreme Court decision upholding a cotenancy ...
A Wichita man is considering suing his landlord after discovering everything he owned inside his apartment was thrown away by a third-party vendor who mistakenly accessed the wrong unit.
The tenants said they shared one bathroom for almost an entire year while the landlord renovated all the bathrooms in the building.
Glendale police say the men used the Turo app to rent a car but unwittingly got a stolen vehicle, causing a terrifying ordeal outside a Raising Cane's restaurant. Jason Barry reports.
For larger apartments with families or sharing your internet connection with roommates, you may consider bumping up to a ...
Nigeria's economic crisis is hitting renters in Lagos hard as landlords pass down the costs of spiralling inflation -- ...
A Charlotte couple is taking legal action after their Greensboro rental property was allegedly destroyed by tenants—just six ...
City officials had earlier announced a new agreement with a landlord that they said could keep the 100-plus-year-old store open.
Nomad, which works out of WeWork in the Wells Fargo Center, has 35 people on staff and is doubling in revenue year-over-year, ...
Paying rent with a credit card can be especially convenient in an emergency situation when you're a bit behind financially ...