The map below shows the location of Ladakh and Leh. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between Leh ...
Located amidst the majestic Himalayas, Leh enchants visitors with its cascading ... housing handwritten scriptures and gem-encrusted chortens, glimpse the profound solace sought by meditative ...
Renowned as Tharpa Ling which means the ‘place of freedom’; Lamayuru monastery is the oldest and one of the largest monasteries in Ladakh region ... 127 km from Leh on a steep mountain between ...
Renowned as Tharpa Ling which means the ‘place of freedom’; Lamayuru monastery is the oldest and one of the largest monasteries in Ladakh region ... 127 km from Leh on a steep mountain between ...