罗技LogitechM705无线鼠标是一款专为办公和家用设计的高品质鼠标,采用人体工学右手设计,搭配激光引擎和1000DPI精准定位,带来更舒适的使用体验。其内置罗技Unifying优联接收器,实现稳定无线传输,同时支持滚轮锁定和自由滚动模式,满足不同场景需求。静音 ...
If the Logitech Unifying Receiver is not detected, working, or pairing in Windows 11/10, then this post may be able to help you. Logitech Unifying Receiver is a hardware device that syncs all the ...
Swytch Technology has announced today that they are to launch a world-first, pocket-sized eBike battery as part of their new Swytch eBike conversion kit. The pocket-sized battery (the “Power ...
The new range of electric cars from Mercedes claims extended range and a very relaxing drive – with prices starting from £65,000 in the UK. In terms of design, it comes in pseudo SUV styling as the ...