Government officials also plan to start selling off a handful of small, city-owned lots to builders to demonstrate — in real life — what is possible with the designs. “Angelenos should be able to buy ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Bob Hope's home is looking for a new owner — for a cool $29 million. The late comedian's Los Angeles estate has hit the market, PEOPLE confirmed. The impressive property includes a six-bedroom ...
For Jonathon, each day represents an opportunity to further establish East End as an institutionally governed best-in-class real estate investment ... Mike moved to Los Angeles to become the ...
Mr. Schwimmer serves on the USC Lusk Center Real Estate Leadership Council, is Board Chair of USC Hillel, and is the Allocation Committee Chair of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation, Real Estate ...
President Henry Chen and the 2025 AREAA North Los Angeles leadership team take their oath of office, officially installed by ...
Planning a move to another town, city or state? The biggest factors in any move are the standard of living and what salary you’ll need to make in order to reach that standard. Our cost of living ...
and Brightline Strategies last year announced the release of findings from the second in a series of nationwide commercial real estate COVID-19 impact studies.